Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chinese vs American Culture

Sarah Gonzalez Chinese Culture VS American Culture It doesn’t matter what kind of ethnicity you are, or how you were brought up. Everyone is deeply rooted in their own culture. â€Å"Culture† has a different meaning to everyone. Comparing American culture to Chinese culture we will find many different meanings to the word â€Å"culture†. For example, we Americans are always looking for something bigger and better for our future, and the Chinese are content with a small reserved lifestyle with no intentions of changing it for something bigger.A culture is a way of life of a group of people-the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Growing up in America we are taught to never settle for less, that we can do anything that we set our minds too, and when we grow up we can be anyone we want to be. After all we are the â€Å"ho me of the brave and the land of the free†, right? The Chinese are more set on if you are a girl you are too be the homemaker, and the men are too make the money doing physical labor.The story â€Å"I Answer to Elaine† concluded it all perfectly to me. â€Å"She continued to sign Father’s name. I threatened legal action: â€Å"That’s forgery! It’s not your name†. [Example from I Answer to Elaine] This shows that the Chinese believe that the men are dominate, head of the household, the only say so. In the American home mom and dad have a shared liability for the children and both set of parents go out into the work force. â€Å"A deep frustration set in. I was sickened by her statement’s implication for my future.I hated helplessness, believing it unique to her alone† [Example from I Answer to Elaine]. I feel like Elaine is frustrated with her mom because she knows because of her gender her mom doesn’t expect mush out of h er other than to be a care giver. This has to be confusing to Elaine when she sees all over her American friends dreaming about their big futures and what they will do. Elaine should be able to grow bigger than just a housewife. Believe it or not, but American and Chinese culture do have something’s in common. They see eye-to-eye on some aspects.Like providing for their children â€Å"Parents work together for the well-being of their children† [Example from Article]. It is true that parents do the best they can to work towards a better financial life for their kids. That’s why many Chinese parents come over to the states, so that they can provide a better life, and a better education. They would also go to great lengths for their children no matter what the cause â€Å"Parents will risk their life for their children† [Example from Article]. Any parent would risk their life for their children no matter what ethnicity, or cultural aspect!There is no bond li ke a parent and their child. Chinese and American culture has a lot more differences than similarities. To the Chinese reputation of the individual is very important. If an action will humiliate someone or ruin a reputation, it is avoided. When shame occurs, the person sacrifices their job or whatever it is that will heal the shame. In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter. â€Å"Go to an American home in exurbia, and almost the first thing you do is drift towards the picture window† [Example from American space, Chinese Place].It is true that we American’s always want something more than what we have in front of us. We are always looking forward to the big picture of our future. â€Å"Consider the traditional Chinese home. Blank walls enclose it† [Example from American Space, Chinese Place]. The Chinese are very content with what they have, and have no intensions of a â€Å"bigger picture†. They keep what they have close to them. All in all, I think we can see the difference and the similarities between the two cultures. The Chinese are set on their morals.One is to respect all others, the men is the runner of the household, and keep your opinion to yourself. Americans don’t always follow the rules. When we don’t agree with something we are going to speak out about it, and give them out opinion. In the households sometimes there is a man of the house, and sometimes it’s a single mother running the house. I think the Chinese have a better wrap around the meaning of â€Å"culture† they stick to what they believe, and it stays that way for years. Rather than American’s missing the meaning of â€Å"culture† and worrying about what the future has to hold for them.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Alice Walker Uses Symbolism to Address Three Issues Essay

Born on February 9, 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, Alice Malsenior Walker was the eighth and youngest child of poor sharecroppers. Her father’s great-great-great grandmother, Mary Poole was a slave, forced to walk from Virginia to Georgia with a baby in each arm. Walker is deeply proud of her cultural heritage. In addition to her literary talents Walker was involved in the civil rights movement in the 1960’s, walking door-to-door promoting voter’s registration among the rural poor. Walker was present to see Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream† speech. â€Å"In August 1963 Alice traveled to Washington D. C. to take part in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Perched in a tree limb to try to get a view, Alice couldn’t see much of the main podium, but was able to hear Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream† address. † (Alice Walker Biography) Walker is a vegetarian involved in many other issues, including nuclear proliferation, and the environment. Her insight to African American culture comes from her travel and experiences in both America and Africa. Walker is an activist regarding oppression and power, championing victims of racism and sexism. After her precedent setting, and controversial thirteen-year marriage to a white, Jewish, civil rights lawyer, Alice fell in love with Robert Allen, editor of â€Å"Black Scholar. † â€Å"She is currently living in Mendocino, California and is exploring her bi-sexuality. † Alice Walker’s first novel, â€Å"The Third Life of Grange Copeland† was published the week her daughter was born. Walker received praise for this work, but also criticism for dealing too harshly with the male characters in the book. Walker’s best-known novel, â€Å"The Color Purple† won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982, and was made into a movie. Walker was the first black author honored by a Pulitzer. In Celie’s letters to God, she tells her story about her role as wife, mother, daughter, and sister, and other women who help shape her life. Walker portrays Africa in a positive way, and looks to it as a form of artistic and ideological expression. Walker was also criticized for her portrayal of men, often as violent rapists and wife beaters. Even as she portrays men, often in a bad light, she likes to focus on the strength of women. In her story, â€Å"Everyday Use† Alice Walker uses symbolism to address three main issues: racism, feminism and the black American’s search for cultural identity. The story â€Å"Everyday Use† is set in the late ’60s or early ’70s and the setting is an impoverished home in Georgia. The critical analysis of â€Å"Everyday Use† from the web site Sistahspace presented the following interpretation: This was a time, when African-Americans were struggling to define their personal identities in cultural terms. The term â€Å"Negro† had been recently removed from the vocabulary, and had been replaced with â€Å"Black. † There was â€Å"Black Power,† â€Å"Black Nationalism,† and â€Å"Black Pride. † Many blacks wanted to rediscover their African roots, and were ready to reject and deny their American heritage, which was filled with stories of pain and injustice. â€Å"Alice Walker is, as David Cowart argues, â€Å"[satirizing] the heady rhetoric of late ’60s black consciousness, deconstructing its pieties (especially the rediscovery of Africa) and asserting neglected values† (Cowart, 182). â€Å"The central theme of the story concerns the way in which an individual understands his present life in relation to the traditions of his people and culture. † (Sistahspace) â€Å"Everyday Use† depicts a poor, illiterate black mother who rejects the shallow Black Power ideals of her older, outspoken daughter, Dee, in favor of the practical values of her younger, less privileged daughter, Maggie. Mama is the orator, and like griots from tribes in Africa, she perpetuates the oral traditions and history of the family. Mama’s upbeat self-image in spite of little formal education, leads the reader to feel the intense pride she has in maintaining self-sufficiency. As discussed in David White’s critical analysis of (â€Å"‘Everyday Use†: Defining African-American Heritage), Mama’s lack of formal education does not prevent her from formulating a sense of heritage unattached to the â€Å"Black Power† movement held by her, purportedly educated, daughter Dee. Mama’s daughter, Dee (Wangero), has a much more superficial idea of heritage. She is portrayed as bright, beautiful, and self-centered. Maggie is the younger daughter, who lives with Mama. She is scared and ashamed, lying back in corners, cowering away from people. (White, David) (â€Å"‘Everyday Use’: Defining African-American Heritage. â€Å") Maggie understands her heritage, and appreciates the significance of everyday things in the house. She is uneducated, and not in the least outspoken, and is unable to make eye contact. Maggie has stooped posture and walks with a shuffle, this, combined with her inability to look you in the eye, points to her vulnerability in dealing with newfound black rights. Mama’s daughter Dee, who is portrayed as quite successful, has come home to visit and display her new African style heritage. Dee has adopted things African and has changed her name to Wangero. As she handles the everyday articles fashioned and used by previous generations, she believes they should be displayed to her white girlfriends, especially the old quilts made by Mama, her sister and her mother. Mama has promised the quilts to Maggie but Dee says, â€Å"Maggie does not understand their value and would just put them to everyday use. † (Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use†) Mama must decide which daughter should receive the family quilts. Finally, Mama realizes that her daughter, Maggie, has a closer connection with her view of family history than Dee does and gives her the quilts. This is the first time Mama has asserted any authority over Dee. On a deeper level, Alice Walker is exploring the concepts of racism and the evolution of Black Society following the end of slavery, through the era of Martin Luther King, and finally to the Black Power movement in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Maggie, Mama, Dee/Wangaro and Hakim-a Barber, symbolize this. Mama is illiterate, because her school closed when she was in the second grade. The role of black Americans in the late 1920s is best illustrated by Mama’s line, â€Å"School was closed down. Don’t ask me why: in 1927 colored asked fewer questions that they do now†¦ † (Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use†) When Mama describes the old house, burning down it symbolizes the ending of slavery and the decreed civil rights. The scars that Mamma’s daughter Maggie, bear are representative of the pain of the past and difficulty in moving from the role of subservience to equality. Maggie has difficulty looking â€Å"you† in the eye just as the American Negro had difficulty moving from the subservient role to peer in dealings with whites. Maggie’s head down on the chest at first appears as an as shame for her scars from the house fire, but they come to symbolize a person caught in the old black paradigm, unable to embrace newfound freedoms in society. The fire of slavery has damaged Maggie and she resigns herself to a transitional cultural existence, neither old nor new. Mama represents the ideals of Martin Luther King through her dream of going on the Johnny Carson show to meet Dee. She embraces the idea of this fantasy and takes pleasure in replaying it in her mind. Ultimately, Mamma is thrust back to the reality that it will never happen, just as she seems to resign herself to the fact that King’s dreams are not real for her generation but for the next.

Essay on How to Make Teaching and Learning Intresting in Class Room Essay

It’s interesting to observe, isn’t it, how much higher education is still driven by a â€Å"brute force† model of delivery? As much as we might wish it were otherwise, postsecondary courses and degree programs are still largely delivered in a one-size-fits-all manner, and those students who can’t keep up are simply left behind, sometimes irretrievably so – the higher education equivalent of natural selection, some might say. (I once had lunch with a colleague, for example, who told me with no small amount of pride that he only taught to the 10 percent of the class who â€Å"got it.† The others, it seemed, were not worth his effort.) But surely anyone – teacher, student, or otherwise – who has ever sat in a classroom has seen glaring evidence of the fact that not all students move at the same pace. Some are prepared to move more quickly than the majority while others require greater attention and more time to master the same mate rial as their classmates. The limits of mainstreaming diversely skilled students are obvious to all and yet we largely persist in the vain hope that greater numbers of students will learn to move at â€Å"class pace† if only we underscore their responsibility to do so in syllabuses and first-class lectures. Of course, when teachers face classes of 20 or 40 or 200 students, personalized instruction isn’t much of an option. It’s simply too expensive and impractical – until now, perhaps. Witness the countervailing perspective emerging these days that the curriculum is the thing that needs to change pace. Indeed, after a number of years of quiet experimentation we may now be on the cusp of an evolutionary moment – one that promises greater personalization, deeper engagement, and stronger outcomes for students of many types. And it may even be affordable. In fact, it may even be cost-efficient, by virtue of allowing instructors to use their time more ju diciously. Welcome to the emerging realm of adaptive learning – an environment where technology and brain science collaborate with big data to carve out customized pathways through curriculums for individual learners and free up teachers to devote their energies in more productive and scalable ways. What promises to make adaptive learning technologies an important evolutionary advance in our approaches to teaching and learning is the way these systems behave differently based on how the learner interacts with them, allowing for a variety of nonlinear paths to remediation that are largely foreclosed by the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional class-paced forms of instruction. To put it simply, adaptive systems adapt to the learner. In turn, they allow the learner to adapt to the curriculum in more effective ways. (See this recent white paper from Education Growth Advisors for more background on what adaptive learning really looks like – full disclosure: I had a hand in writing it.) If the early results hold, we may soon be able to argue quite compellingly that these forms of computer-aided instruction actually produce better outcomes – in certain settings at least – than traditional forms of teaching and assessment do. In the future, as Darwin might have said were he still here, it won’t be the students who can withstand the brute force approach to higher education who survive, but those who prove themselves to be the most adaptive. A recent poll of college and university presidents conducted by Inside Higher Ed and Gallup showed that a greater number of the survey’s respondents saw potential in adaptive learning to make a â€Å"positive impact on higher education† (66 percent) than they saw in MOOCs (42 percent). This is somewhat surprising given the vastly differing quantities of ink spilled on these respective topics, but it’s encouraging that adaptive learning is on the radar of so many college and university leaders. In some respects, adaptive learning has been one of higher education’s best-kept secrets. For over a decade, Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative has been conducting research on how to develop technology-assisted course materials that provide real-time rem ediation and encourage deeper engagement among students en route to achieving improved outcomes. So adaptive learning is not necessarily new, and its origins go back even further to computer-based tutoring systems of various stripes. But the interest in adaptive learning within the higher education community has increased significantly in the last year or two – particularly as software companies like Knewton have attracted tens of millions of dollars in venture capital and worked with high-visibility institutions like Arizona State University. (See Inside Higher Ed’s extensive profile of Knewton’s collaboration with ASU, from January of this year, here.) Some of our biggest education companies have been paying attention, too. Pearson and Knewton are now working together to convert Pearson learning materials into adaptive courses and modules. Other big publishers have developed their own adaptive learning solutions – like McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart division. But a variety of early-stage companies are emerging, too. Not just in the U.S., but all around the world. Take CogBooks, based in Scotland, whose solution’s algorithms permit students to follow a nonlinear path through a web of learning content according to their particular areas of strength and weakness as captured by the CogBooks system. Or consider Smart Sparrow, based in Australia, whose system supports simulations and virtual laboratories and is currently being deployed in a variety of institutions both at home and here in the U.S., including ASU. There is also Cerego, founded in Japan but now moving into the U.S., with a solution that focuses on memory optimization by delivering tailored content to students that is based not only on a recognition of which content they have mastered but also with an understanding of how memory degrades and how learning can be optimized by delivering remediation at just the right point in the arc of memory decay. These adaptive learning companies, and many others working alongside them, share a common interest in bringing brain science and learning theory into play in designing learning experiences that achieve higher impact. They differ in their points of emphasis – a consequence, in part, of their varying origin stories. Some companies emerged from the test prep field, while others began life as data analytics engines, and so on. But they are converging on a goal – drawing on big data to inform a more rigorous and scientific approach to curriculum development, delivery, and student assessment and remediation. In the months ahead, you should expect to be seeing more and more coverage and other discussion of companies like these, as well as the institutions that are deploying their solutions in increasingly high-impact ways. Last month, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation iss ued an RFP inviting institutions to collaborate with companies such as these in seeking $100,000 grants to support new adaptive learning implementations. The grants are contingent, in part, on the winning proposals outlining how they’ll measure the impact of those implementations. Before long, then, we may have much more we can say about just how far adaptive learning can take us in moving beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching and learning – and in achieving better outcomes as a result. And for some students, their survival may depend upon it. source: Nityanand Mathur 9165277278 365/22Vidhya Nagar Colony Shujalpur Shajapur(465333)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Service Marketing Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Service Marketing Management - Term Paper Example According to the Consumer Credit Act 1974, a lender is also held responsible along with the supplier of the goods for any type of breach of contract or the misrepresentation made. This also, therefore, means that the banks have probably failed to correctly anticipate the needs of their customers and then form strategic alliances with the firms offering the goods that consumers want to purchase through credit extended by the banks. According to the Consumer Credit Act 1974, a lender is also held responsible along with the supplier of the goods for any type of breach of contract or the misrepresentation made. This also, therefore, means that the banks have probably failed to correctly anticipate the needs of their customers and then form strategic alliances with the firms offering the goods that consumers want to purchase through credit extended by the banks. Most of the banks are willing to offer what they promise to their customers, however, due to other dimensions, they may not be a ctually delivering what they promise to do. Large Banks, however, seems to be too occupied with offering the services that are more profit-oriented and do not take into consideration what is actually required by the customers Smaller Banks and larger retailers fill that gap?   The above discussion indicates that there are two major gaps in the services offered by the large banks. These include reliability as well as the assurance and as such consumers seem to be most dissatisfied in these two areas. Reliability is often an issue in retail consumer credit wherein banks often tend to levy charges which are not either explicitly explained to the customers or presented in ambiguous and technical language. Since this is often done in order to make more out of unsecured relationships, many banks often engage themselves in such type of activities and result into the significant perceptions issues for the customers. Assurance is another critical gap because many consumers believe that the banks fail to deliver the required services with a given level of services. The issues related with the administration of the services clearly indicate towards the lack of required skills to basically administer the service and may indicate that the large banks are lacking behind in training and development of their employees.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Outline and critique the main themes in martin luther kings Jr.s Essay

Outline and critique the main themes in martin luther kings Jr.s theology. can it inspire the contemporay church to be a 'voice of conscience' in society today - Essay Example Other than the colored church traditions, King sought from other intellectual sources to back up his noble course of liberating his people from oppression. National and international public figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Thoreau inspired him with their individual philosophies. He borrowed the nonaggressive protest tradition that the two advocated. He also gave secular interactionism a chance, alongside protestant liberalism in an attempt to have in place a harmonized approach of theology amid struggle for equality. It’s apparent that the key hindrance to Martin King talented theologian is the narrow, shallow, elitist, and racist definition of theology. These flaws restricts its methods and subject matter to problems and issues that other races tend to identify. King at all times steered from the front. He passionately sought to transform all the forms of oppression in his society. He aspired to establish a fair and a nondiscriminatory society. Thus, it is possible to analyze his involvement with such events as the famous successful Montgomery bus boycott (1953-56). In addition to the defeat in Albany (1961), the Birmingham demonstrations(1963), the Sejma March for goring rights (1965) and his encounter with racism in Chicago (1966). Moreover, Kings had dialogue with black power advocates during and after the Meredith Mississippi March (1966). He arranged the preparation for Poor Peoples March on Washington (1967), had a stand against the Vietnam War (1967-68), and had his last march with garbage workers in Memphis (1968). Martin King was keen not to restrict his theological pursuit to the afflictions of one minority group. As much as his initial drive was motivated by the oppression of the black, his theological vision was diverse and in fact, universal. He targeted the entire humanity as he thought of the brown Vietnamese

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Paulson Statement on Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paulson Statement on Regulation - Essay Example He reiterated his confidence in the strength and resiliency of the country's capital markets, and that the country would be able to work its way out of the situation. In his introduction, the Secretary remarked that the most pertinent priority of the government was to limit the actual effects of this crisis on the country's real economy. He advised that the key to keeping the country's economic state above water was to maintain liquid and stable financial markets, and that banks must put in their fair share by making credit readily available both to ordinary citizens and businesses. He added that there must be vigilant efforts introduced in order to dilute the destructive effects of the recent housing downturn on the economy. In addressing the importance of orderly financial markets, Paulson stated that the recent turmoil the capital markets have been facing were largely in part to the reduced access to short-term funding, which in turn caused widespread liquidity issues even with the biggest investment banks. As a result of these volatile conditions, Bear Sterns, the country's 5th largest investment house, found itself in bankruptcy. He justified the Federal Reserve's intervention leading to the JP Morgan buyout, stating that market stability was the primary concern of the government and the issue warranted prompt resolution. In light of the Bear Sterns fiasco, the Federal Reserve took a leap of faith by putting forth a temporary program which is meant to provide short-term liquidity to primary dealers. From a historical perspective, such bold moves by the country's central lending institution had not been propagated since the 1930's. While Paulson praised the Federal Reserve for its creativity in dealing with a potentially crippling situation, he chided that such drastic measures also have corresponding repercussions which need to be addressed. He argues that while commercials banks have traditionally had access to the Federal Reserve's liquidity facilities, these have been accompanied by strong regulation and supervision to avoid and potential pitfalls. Hence, the same measures should be enacted this time around if only for the sake of prudence. Paulson suggests that in opening the discount window temporarily to non-insured and non-depository institutions, tighter measures must be enacted in screening these institutions, which will enable them to make better informed lending decisions. In explaining the current mortgage crisis, he admits that its rapid free-fall has adversely affected both financial institutions and capital markets alike. Far from putting the blame on the inherently flawed sub-prime mortgage system, he argues that unsustainable home price appreciation in certain key areas was the primary driver behind the crisis. Also, once stability is restored to the housing sector, this will lead to a much more favorable situation for institutions involved with mortgage-backed securities. Paulson admits that with the current housing crisis, the availability of mortgage financing has been almost non-existent, due largely in part to the crippling liquidity problems that have beset lending institutions. He offers that in order for the housing and mortgage industry to get back on its feet, government-backed institutions such as Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac should be willing to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership Development - Essay Example Moreover, physicians constitute to twenty percent of the entire hospital board members whilst other supplementary clinicians contribute to approximately five percent. Nurses need to view themselves as fundamental decision makers who are extremely capable of influencing health results (Watts & Gordon, 2012). This process mainly entail undertaking campaign that mainly foster engagements of the well trained nurses to public policy and corresponding health care association boards mainly at the state and national levels. There ought to be leadership at each level that will mainly incorporate program for engaging staff nursing and empowering floor nurses thus advancing patient care (Watts & Gordon, 2012). The alterations ought to be tested over certain duration and implemented in case they prove to be helpful. Moreover, the program has advanced patient results encompassing eradication within falls with harms and corresponding 30-day hospital readmission rates. There is a massive chance of transforming culture of the health care when the nurses are better equipped and capable to mainly practice and enact full degree of their underlying education and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Management and Leadership - Essay Example In addition, they are expected to communicate ideas clearly to their staffs, use time efficiently and reach informed and sound decisions (Smith, 2014). In order to carry out all there, they are required to employ aspects of human side of management and leadership. Such aspects help them to be able to recognize their duty and responsibility for the wellbeing of all of their employees as well as other stakeholders. They need to put more focus on character rather than technical proficiency in order to be great managers (Mayer & Center for Creative Leadership, 2000). The paper explores aspects of human side management and leadership and why they should be valued. The readings present several aspects of human side of management and leadership that I value. Such aspects help in ensuring that managers and leaders put more focus on character and not technical proficiency. They need to behave like great managers by acquiring capacities like integrity and courage. They need to understand the importance of human element in their course of managing and leading stakeholders because they are responsible for their happiness (Odiorne, 2010). Managers and leadership should understand that managing and leading are a set of human interactions and not a series of mechanical tasks. These aspects of human side management and leadership include: Leaders and managers are often responsible for leading and motivating the employees and other stakeholders. I value this aspect because the success of the organization depends on the ability of the managers and leaders to motivate and influence employees (Teal, 2006). Companies need to train and develop the skills of their employees because they cannot survive if the employees are not doing their jobs well. This type of support should be done on a continuous basis for the employees may feel wanted and cared for by the organizations (Smith, 2014). It is the

SABIC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SABIC - Essay Example Production has steadily grown from a modest 35metric tones in 2001 to 68.5 million metric tons in 2013, painting the picture of a company on the path to global dominance. With a vision to be the most respected market leader in chemicals and a mission to responsibly offer quality products with the help of innovation and seamless operational procedures, SABIC is without doubt, headed to the apex in the global petrochemical industry. Presently, the company has a lean product line of; ethylene glycol, methanol, polythene and engineering plastics ( With such a product line, the following four key factors have immense influence on the company’s overall well-being and these are; environmental, economic, technological and innovation issues. The largest strategic business unit at this company is chemicals, which accounts for 60% of the company’s total production and revenue. For this reason, it will by my area of focus. To continue this steady growth path, there must be sustained innovation to optimize operational processes and reduce the impact of the company’s operations to the environment. Presently, SABIC has technology and innovation centers in half a dozen countries from its homeland in Saudi Arabia, to Europe, China and India, just to mention a few. The huge investment in state of the art technology has enabled the company to develop more than 150 products annually, the main reason behind SABIC’s 8000 global patents. It is important to report that the journey towards sustainable operations in the chemicals division has been dotted with important milestones and in 2008, the Safety, Health and Environmental Performance Index (SHEPI) of the company and its affiliates was 0.74, a figure below the ceiling for that year ( The company in its massive operations recorded a marginal two injuries, showing massive

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discussion on Peet's coffee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion on Peet's coffee - Essay Example this matter, proper interest of customers is needed because company can attain its marketing goals with the support of professional persons and effective promotional plans. Cause of trends is different for various conditions because people are living with unpredicted financial and social conditions. Same condition is linked with Peet`s Coffee and Tea product as customers can attain this product after attainment of sensational status in the society. In case of trouble, people are unable to buy this product and this scenario is realizable for all humans without any complexity. So, companies should be careful in this matter and they should use proper marketing sources to gain attraction of people as customer to enhance the financial status. There are two common challenges which are faced in market by those firms which are offering already existing products. First challenge is linked with quality matter as it is basic element to enhance the financial power of any firm in the market. Accordingly, second challenge is linked with price adjustment that should be performed with observance of market and other relevant firms. This scenario is helpful to make Peet`s Coffee and Tea products successful in the market. Cash and capital resources should be used for promotion of firm and this technique is the cause of making financial tasks achievable and winning without any reservation. With these resources, companies can enhance attraction level of consumers and this scenario is supportive to achieve success in financial backgrounds without any intricacy in the communal way of life. Concern of latest technologies is sensitive in the present age because this is related with production of favorable results in the social and commercial surroundings. This is fact that Peet`s Coffee and Tea product can be made fame in the market by the use of efficient technological innovations that are reachable for all humans without any complexity. This scenario is realizable with the instance

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Balance between wireless security and performance Thesis Proposal

Balance between wireless security and performance - Thesis Proposal Example This physical connection is easily detected and can be traced to the eavesdropper. This as a result has made the wireless security be under scrutiny since it fails to offer the appropriate security. The security risks that accompany the wireless environment are quite exposing. The amount of security that should be incorporated in the system normally depends on the size and the nature of information being handled by the organization as well as on the devices being used (Dawoud 56). The first and foremost way is to maintain a full understanding of that particular networks topology. This understanding is important as it creates an improvement to the system design whenever the need arise. These improvements are important in optimization of the performance of that system. This is important especially where there is periodic assessment of the security controls and their performance (Hirani 39). This research shall seek to come up with a way of securing the wireless network and enhance the security levels to satisfaction. The research shall propose devices that shall also aid the mobility for the wireless devices. Many scholars have come up with writings assessing the performance of wireless devices. They have come up with ways of maintaining the wireless networks as well as how to create the same. Maintaining a secure network should be a continuous activity that keeps going on. It should be assessed regularly in terms of performance and if there is need to upgrade or improve the technology that is being used (William 78). Keeping inventories of the equipments that are used in that wireless network is also a good way of ensuring performance. In addition, having back up for the transactions and the communications is also important to secure the system (Erica et al. 44). There should be a wide usage of inherent security features. An example of these

Monday, July 22, 2019

Emancipation Proclamation and it’s Impact Essay Example for Free

Emancipation Proclamation and it’s Impact Essay The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863 as the nation approached its third year of civil war (â€Å"The Emancipation Proclamation†). This proclamation was a significant step towards the objective of ending slavery and making African Americans equal citizens of the United States. The context of the proclamation declared that â€Å"that all persons held as slaves â€Å"within the rebellious states â€Å"are, and henceforward shall be free†. The proclamation became a significant road to slavery’s final destruction and became one of the initial inspirations for human freedom. The proclamation though the intention was good has many underlying aspects to be noted. The application of the proclamation was â€Å"limited only to those parts of North America which were under the control of the armed forces of the Confederate States of America† (â€Å"Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation†). President Lincoln had no power to liberate slaves generally because such act during that time would have been unlawful or unconstitutional. He could only issue such only from his capacity as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy and as a necessary war measure (Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation†). However despite the limitations, the proclamation of liberty had tremendous effects that possibly help shaped America. Although the practical effects of the proclamation was only limited to some areas â€Å"it did serve as an important symbol that the North now intended not only to preserve the Union but also to abolish the practice of slavery† (Emancipation Proclamation Further Readings). The success of the proclamation after the Civil War motivated Lincoln to completely support the liberation of the African American black people. This paved the way for the proposal of the Republican Party 1864 that calls for the gradual abolition of slavery by constitutional amendment. The proclamation also prevented Europe from supporting the Confederacy and encouraged enlistment of black soldiers, as a result, the North America towards slavery in Civil War was defeated (The Emancipation Proclamation: The Document that Saved America). The end of Civil War definitely reunited the rebellious states of United States with the Union which also made America a very big nation and eventually powerful country. The Proclamation gave joy and hope to millions of black people who was been enslaved by the Southern United States Americans. The Civil War from 1861- 1865 between Northern Defenders of the Union and the Southern members of the Confederacy (the name for the states that had separated themselves from the United States to form their own country in a bloody conflict) changed the focus of the war from â€Å"the rights of the individual states† to freeing the slaves (â€Å"Slaverys End Brings Both Joy and Confusion†). Civil War after the Emancipation was already about freedom. When the Civil War ended, the emancipation of blacks though left the White Southerners to be bitter and angry who can not yet fully accept that the slaves’ unpaid labour will be ended. Being defeated by the Southern members of the Confederacy, Northern whites felt that it is impossible for them to rebuild their shattered life without the blacks. The multitude of negative emotions felt by them highlights and manifests the racist attitude of Northern European descent. Blacks, after the Proclamation of Emancipation and eventually after the Civil War, learned that it is not true that they came from inferior race. And that it is not true that they are simply properties and they also realized that they became a victim of slavery because of ignorance. As free and learned men, they no longer had to put up with the brutalities they experienced and endured as slaves. The end of slavery gave them the opportunity to re-establish their identity, their individuality and their society. The Proclamation also became effective social awakening about slavery and human freedom. It illustrates that human beings of different culture, sexes, religion and races are created equal. The Emancipation Proclamation brought about great changes in the American society. The awareness of black’s slavery inspired literature, arts, music and films about freedom and liberty. Affirmative action, freedom of religion and the establishment of different organizations and groups that support the black community inspired its growth. Not only did the world focuses on the United States from then on in regards to slavery but the world started to open their eyes about the different existing slaveries, example Apartheid in Africa during early 20th century. Work Cited Page: THe Emancipation Proclamation. Feartured Documents. The National Archives. U. S. National Archives and Records Administration. Washington, US http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/featured_documents/emancipation_proclamation/ Lincols Emancipation Proclamation. Fighting Salvery Today. Anti Slavery Society Boston. 2008 November 09 http://www. anti-slaverysociety. addr. com/index. htm Slaverys End Brings both Joy and Confusion. Emancipation Proclamation Summary. Boog Rags. Glam Publisher Network. http://www. bookrags. com/research/slaverys-end-brings-both-joy-and-co-rerl-01/ Emancipation Proclamation Further Readings. American Law Encyclopedia Vol 4. Law Library American Law and Legal Information. Net Industries. 2008 http://law. jrank. org/pages/6410/Emancipation-Proclamation. html The Emancipation Proclamation: THe Document that SAved America. A Journal for the Lincoln Collecter. The Rail Splitter 1998 http://www. railsplitter. com/sale10/boker. html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Overpopulation in India

Impact of Overpopulation in India REFLECTIVE 1 IMPACT OF OVERPOPULATION IN INDIA Executive summary: On the conceptual note evaluation of overpopulation is highly straight forward. Groups usually rely over the local geographical area for their nourishment and in cases if the productivity does not meet the demands placed by the group it naturally results in migration of the group towards a productive location. Sustainability could be explored as the ration between the totalities of the demands placed by the group to that of the ability of the geographical location to serve the demands. The following assessment would involve the assessment of overpopulation as an attribute stimulating opportunities and multiplying resistance for India’s growth and development. The 2oth century is a memorable timeline of population growth across the globe with the figures of inhabitants multiplying by 100% from that of 3 billion to 6 billion in just a span of 40 years. During this growth India has not gone exceptional in witnessing a rapid growth where it raised its population bars from 448 million to a whopping sum of 1.04 billion which has now reached 1.21 billion (Chakraborti, 2010). The following picture offers more insight over the state of rapid development that India is witnessing in contrast to the growth of world’s population (Chakraborti, 2010). Global population across the globe has been multiplying at a rate of 2% per annum and currently the growth trends in India is reflecting a rate of 1.4% there by surpassing the 0.7% rate of China’s population (Chandrasekhar, 2011) Changes in Demographics and economic growth / Health attributes in India: In the past decades there have been 2 crucial breakthroughs that India has faced as a result of overpopulation. One is linked with that of the changing structure of age due to population and the other is the link of overpopulation over the state of population’s health (Mitra, 2009). Changes in age structure of the population in India has significant effects on the economic growth of the nation and this has been driven by the increasing proportions of baby boomers that was able to create echo effects (Srinivasan, 2011). In the past the whole Indian economy was reliant on the development of the youth which has now taken a transition to a positive note of its demographic profile, which has been stimulating the economic growth. India’s population health has been a crucial driving force under its economic development where in the healthier workforce in India was aiding the productivity of individuals and good health in turn multiplied the state of attendance in schools and institutions leading to enhanced education in India (Srinivasan, 2011). The growing population of India has been witnessing a strong decline across the infant mortality rates by about 70% in the past 60 years (Vignath, 2010). The number of deaths per 1000 people from 165 has now gone down to 50 today thanks to the increasing state of medical infrastructure that has been able to address mortality issues in India amidst the increasing rate of population. On the other hand the state of child mortality has also seen a positive transition with the number of deaths per 1000 children declining from 138 to that of 75 today (Chandrasekhar, 2011). The state of life expectancy in India has thus multiplied at a rate of 5 per each decade and the state of fertility rate has also seen a downfall from 6 children to that of women towards 2.5 per women (Vignath, 2010). Source: (Mitra, 2009) The increasing age group of women under the reproductive age has been a driving force behind the increase in India’s population from 1.2 billion towards a strong projection of 1.6 billion by 2050. Amidst these the impact of overpopulation on the economic growth has been positive as the decreasing rates of crude births and death rates being a driving force (Mitra, 2009). Source: (Chakraborti, 2010) India is turning more urbanized and it is evident from the totality of the people living in urban areas witnessed a growth of 18% during 1960 to that of 30% in 2008. During this lengthy timeline majority of the deaths 53% were influenced by the multiplication of chronic diseases and which are later influenced down by the decline that the country faced across reduced tobacco consumption, increased nutrition and a shift towards a sedentary lifestyle (Sharma, 2011). Environmental Impacts: Trends in poverty: Environmental degradation in India is highly influenced by the extensive growth of its population which has been making adverse effects on the environment and natural resources. Majority of the poor people India lived across the rural areas with agriculture as their primary profession. There was abundance of programs that the government initiated under the anti-poverty and employment development aspects which was able to help the reduction of poverty ratios in the country. The growth of population aided the reduction of poverty rates in India where the nation had more than 55% of the population under the poverty line during 1974 and has shrinked down to 26% during 2000 (let, 2009). On the numerical count the population of people under poverty reduced from 320 million during 1975 to that of 260 million during 2000 (let, 2009). Amidst the reduction in the poverty rates in India considerable amount of impact was realized in the environmental degradation where in people who were not able to meet their basic needs were completely forced to make use of the natural resource that are under the common property resources (Mitra, 2009). Hence India was faced with severe exploitation of the natural resources and the excess pressure from the increasing population has influenced the degradation of the ground water. On the other hand the increased state of poverty in India has influenced the day to day activities of the poor to make use of the ponds and the rivers to contaminate and exhaust for their day to day activities. The outcome of such interventions has resulted in poor state of health for people who make use of the untreated water contents (Chandrasekhar, 2011). Both poverty as well as the increasing rate of population has been influencing the environmental challenges across India. Even though the positive signs of population growth have aided the growth of India’s economy in reducing Unemployment there exists abundance of environmental issues in India (Srinivasan, 2011). Pressure exerted On Land: Out of all the nations in the globe India’s is exposed to huge volume of pressure in its agricultural land as a result of increasing population (Sharma, 2011). India’s geographical volume of 43% is contributing to the agriculture and the changing demographics have in turn influenced the changing patterns of land utilization. It is evident that the totality of India’s population has witnessed a growth of 3 times of the volume from 1950 to 2010 but these growth has been accompanied only by a low growth rate in total area of land for cultivation(20.7% 118 million hectares in 2010 from that of 142 million hectare during 1960) (Mitra, 2009). Majority of the growth in this regard has taken place as a result of the depletion of forest as well as graze lands. Increasing rate of land acquisition by the population of India is yet another critical issue of over population. On the purpose housing, building manufacturing units and industries the acquisition of land has witnes sed a huge rise of about 10.5 million hectares in a span of 10 years (1990 – 2000) (Mukhopadhyay, 2012). Contrarily the increasing volume of agricultural extensfication is favouring the dominance of fertilizers which has resulted in water pollution (Vignath, 2010). Some of the worst outcome of agricultural extensfication is the negative impact that it creates over the state of bio diversity and poor state of health in oceans (Sharma, 2011). Degradation of both the land and soil is yet another important outcome of the increasing state of Population in India. The dominance of agricultural interventions and irrigation activities has increased the volume of water logging and most importantly the salination of the soil. The total geographical area of India is near to a volume of 330 million hectares of which about 175 million hectares are under the land degradation with both water and wind erosion topping the list of charts for about 150million hectares (Ranade, 2011). The outcome of soil erosion in India has resulted in increasing number of landslides, deforestation, and floods respectively. The current state of increasing population in India is highly degrading the scope for promoting enhanced food security and sustainability in the forestry context (Ranade, 2011). Declining rates of per Capita in the forest and agriculture land: Increasing population growth trend in India has resulted in declining rates of the per capital availability of forest and agricultural lands. It is evident that the current per capita of forests in india is much lower than the average of the entire worlds per capita (Mukhopadhyay, 2012). Year Per capita availability of Forest Land Per capita availability of agricultural Land 1950 0.112 0.628 1960 0.125 0.501 1970 0.114 0.401 1980 0.098 0.354 1990 0.080 0.322 2000 0.071 0.276 2010 0.065 0.240 Source: (Mukhopadhyay, 2012) Despite the increasing number of intervention being imposed by the government of India to address the declining per capita the increasing state of population has been hindering the ability of accomplishing objectives of gaining high per capita availability (Vignath, 2010). Destruction of the habitat and lessening bio diversity: Bio diversity has increasing value across the state of development in food, agriculture and medicine in India. But increasing population trends has influenced the destruction of Bio diversity in a positive manner; currently India is facing a threat of losing the habitats permanently. The increasing population trends have been increasing the human settlements and modernization of the agriculture is imposing negative impact on the local crops (Srinivasan, 2011). The current population trend in India is capable of offering a threat to more than 1000 animal species and sub species and a sum of 25,000 plants are under threat of losing their identity due to human acquisitions (Vignath, 2010). Patterns of consumption: The economic and industrial development is underlying the rapid changes happening the patterns of consumption; it is evident that India’s strong economic growth has been reflecting in the increasing sales of the motor vehicles (Sharma, 2011). This has naturally resulted in noise pollution, air pollution, traffic jams and has depleted the agricultural lands for building more connectivity of roads. The following table offers insight in to the increasing number of motor vehicle resignation which is an outcome of the increasing population trends in India. It is evident that majority of the growth patterns in the motor vehicle registration has reflected the consumption across metropolitan cities (Vignath, 2010). During 2000 the total population in India was near to 1 billion and at that stage for every 1000 people there were 9 motor vehicles getting registered and it is projected that the population of India is projected to increase to 1.4 Billion which will make the statistics to increase as 44 vehicles for every 1000 people (Mitra, 2009). Thus the projections strongly emphasize the multiplying number of environmental issues as a result of the increase in the motor sales which ultimately results in accumulation of garbage, sanitation and poor housing issues. Increasing level of consumption with reference to the gas, oil and petroleum has also been depleting the non-renewable resources in India (let, 2009). Raising demand for energy is yet another crucial issue that India has been facing in the recent past with the production of petroleum related products witnessing a multiplication of 29 times of the actual volume from 2010. Air pollution: India has topped the list of world’s most air polluted nations and the growth of industries, households, transportation has been witnessing exceeding limits than that of proposed by the World health organization. Increase in Illness as well as pre mature deaths are blamed for the increasing number of air pollution in India as a result of over population (Sharma, 2011). Conclusion: The totality of damage caused for India through air pollution has crossed $ 1.3 billion every year and on the other hand the degradation of the water has multiplied the health cost to $ 5.7 million on yearly basis for India (Mukhopadhyay, 2012). It is evident from the analysis that over population has been favoring the state of economic scenario for India with increasing employment and purchasing power but has extensive negative impact over the environment and natural resource management. REFERENCES Chakraborti, D. (2010). The Greying of India: Population Ageing in the Context of Asia (Sixth Edition ed.). SAGE Publications. Chandrasekhar, S. (2011). Indias Population: Fact and Policy (Second Edition ed.). John Day Company. let, J. (2009). Infant Mortality, Population Growth An Essay on Population Problems and International Tensions (Tenth Edition ed.). Routledge. Mitra, A. (2009). Indias Population: Aspects of Quality and Control (Ninth Edition ed.). Abhinav Publications. Mukhopadhyay, K. (2012). Control of Population Growth in India: Statistical Review of Information (Third Edition ed.). Daya Books. Ranade, S. (2011). Population Dynamics in India (Second Edition ed.). APH Publishing. Sharma, K. (2011). Demography and Population Problems (Ninth Edition ed.). Atlantic Publishers. Srinivasan, K. (2011). Regulating reproduction in Indias population: Regulating reproduction in Indias population: (Second Edition ed.). Sage Publications. Vignath, P. (2010). Indias Population: A Study Through Extension of Stable Population Techniques (Fourth Edition ed.). Sterling Publishers.

Should Euthanasia be Legalised?

Should Euthanasia be Legalised? Modern medicine has been beneficial in improving the quality of life, but sometimes it has been accompanied by harmful and dehumanising effects.   Many terminally ill people have been kept alive against their will by advanced medical technologies and have been denied assistance in dying.   Should now be the time for our society to recognise that terminally ill individuals have the right to choose the time, place, and manner of their own death?   Should euthanasia be legalised because our right as human beings allows us to make our own decisions?   If the right to life is to be a genuine right, rather than a duty to remain alive for as long as possible, shouldn’t people be free to choose their right to die if they consider it worthwhile to do so?   Shouldn’t these persons be allowed their human rights, dignity, and self-determination and ultimately the right to die? The European Convention on Human Rights, Article 2, recognises the right to life by implication, providing: Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law.   No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law. Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary: in defence of any person from unlawful violence; in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained; in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection. While the Convention requires national authorities to protect the right of ‘everyone’ to life, it does not define ‘everyone.’ Therefore, although fundamental, the right to life is generally not regarded as absolute.   Indeed, there are circumstances in which it is lawful to take another man’s life, for example by a lawful act of self-defence.   The present author not concerned with cases such as these but rather the controversial nature of the range of entities which have the right and the content of the right in different circumstances: those for which the European Convention makes no provision.   For example, opponents of euthanasia, may recognize the legitimacy of abortion; a process which involves taking some life.   Furthermore, the right of a person to commit suicide is recognised by some people, due to the belief that the right to self determination is the most essential human right. The debate on whether euthanasia and thus the right t o die in some forms might be morally acceptable practice is the subject of this essay.  Ã‚   For the purposes of this essay and the limitations in word count, there will be no dividing line between refusal of treatment, suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.   Rather, Lord Donaldson’s remarks about the right to choose how to live, rather than the right to die, will be taken as true. There is no ambiguity in the law of the United Kingdom towards a positive act of euthanasia; it is murder. The motive to ‘kill’ is certainly irrelevant; intention is the deciding factor.   There have been recommendations of a special offence for ‘mercy killing,’ and although there appears to be no intention to translate this into law, the courts seem reluctant to convict a ‘mercy killer’ to mandatory life imprisonment. The sympathetic view of the judges has still, until recently, consisted of predominately unsuccessful attacks on the legality of euthanasia.   However, lawful euthanasia has arrived in some jurisdictions and has added a new aspect to the debate. In the Netherlands, medically practised euthanasia became lawful in November 2000.   The doctor is required to believe that the patient’s request was ‘voluntary and well considered’ and that the patient’s suffering was ‘lasting and unbearable.’   It is also a requirement that the doctor has consulted an independent physician. The legislation also allows for advanced consent, which carries controversies in relation to the patient who does not wish to die but is killed by a doctor due to earlier written authorisation. However, the main argument against the legislation is that once a prohibition against killing is removed, it is far more difficult to control the practice. Indeed, there is evidence that euthanasia has been practised in many cases without the patient’s consent.   Another concern is that eventually, the grounds for the exercise of euthanasia will become more trivial so that the want itself will overpower the grounds.   One example is the physical healthy woman who becomes depressed. And what of the controversial provision on euthanasia for minors? This practice therefore warns of the dangers of an over sensitive right to die. Similar chances for legislation in the United Kingdom are remote: ‘The Government can see no basis for permitting suicide.   Such a change would be open to abuse and put the lives of the vulnerable and weak at risk.’   The uncertainty of the common law has, in the past, been used as a justification for a change in the law but, it is submitted that the decisions in Pretty and Mrs B clarify the boundaries between the right to live and the right to die.   Acts committed with an intention of bringing life to an end are legally impermissible, save where the patient performs them; treatment may be withdrawn from a competent adult, although the legal prohibition for assisted suicide remains.   For the reasons explained in relation to the Netherlands, it is submitted that the right to die is adequately provided for in existing convention and that there is no requirement for legislation. In conclusion, it is true that a profound respect for the sanctity of human life should be embedded in our law and moral philosophy; that is why murder has always been treated as the most grave and heinous of all crimes.   However, the arguments considered above explicate that the law has to take into account a myriad of interests which are problematic and surprisingly conditional. In matters of life and death, we are dealing with what Professor Laurence Tribe called the ‘clash of absolutes.’   Under these conditions, rules cannot dictate answers.   The best that can be hoped for is to provide answers which are not too inconsistent with too many of them.  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Theatre-In-Education :: Drama

Theatre-In-Education The theatre education industry/movement has seen some rapid changes since its initial developments and establishment in the 1960’s. However its origins mainly lie in the early years of the last century. It was the initial establishment of companies such as Bertha Waddell’s in Scotland and Esme Church’s in the north of England that thoroughly established the main roots of TIE. Mainly the initial aims of these companies was to stimulate, educate and inform young people through encouraging them to participate in enjoyable and imaginary based theatre programmes. Despite early attempts in Britain in the mid 1930’s, where a Glasgow Director of education allowed the Bertha Waddell’s company to perform in junior schools within school time, the majority of the advances within the movement came after World War Two. Due to the nature and after-effects of the time, many post war Education Authorities felt the need to sponsor drama and live theatre companies to aid in their areas learning processes. One could perhaps say that due to the sheer devastation of the war many education authorities felt that through the use of drama therapy and role play style interaction that students would be able to address their true anxieties and would therefore have a more rewarding time in post war school. Around this time parallel groups were beginning to form in Birmingham and London. One of the pioneers of these types of groups was Brian Way. Having established his own theatre-in-education company in the late 1940’s, Brain established his companies aims as being, to assist teachers in all types of schools with methods of approach to drama in education. This company began to be at the forefront of schools early experiments, linking children, their education and theatre. This expanded further and as it progressed throughout England was mainly made up of amateur theatre groups consisting of largely teachers who aimed to introduce theatre to children. However, the main expansion of TIE came when a number of professional theatre companies began the notion of creating these experiences and took them into schools. Towards the end of the 1960’s the TIE movement was given a dynamic push in the right direction. This was largely due to the new style of teaching and curriculum delivery that was being implemented across Britain. The ‘Plowden Report’ gave numerous advice on the delivery of the school curriculum and a new style of â€Å"problem-solving† to teach the syllabus was adopted throughout many primary schools. This new â€Å"problem-solving† style of teaching allowed TIE to flourish, as theatre could be used within schools to give examples of how to successfully problem solve. This largely was done in the style of role play situations and stemmed mainly from the teaching of alternative Theatre-In-Education :: Drama Theatre-In-Education The theatre education industry/movement has seen some rapid changes since its initial developments and establishment in the 1960’s. However its origins mainly lie in the early years of the last century. It was the initial establishment of companies such as Bertha Waddell’s in Scotland and Esme Church’s in the north of England that thoroughly established the main roots of TIE. Mainly the initial aims of these companies was to stimulate, educate and inform young people through encouraging them to participate in enjoyable and imaginary based theatre programmes. Despite early attempts in Britain in the mid 1930’s, where a Glasgow Director of education allowed the Bertha Waddell’s company to perform in junior schools within school time, the majority of the advances within the movement came after World War Two. Due to the nature and after-effects of the time, many post war Education Authorities felt the need to sponsor drama and live theatre companies to aid in their areas learning processes. One could perhaps say that due to the sheer devastation of the war many education authorities felt that through the use of drama therapy and role play style interaction that students would be able to address their true anxieties and would therefore have a more rewarding time in post war school. Around this time parallel groups were beginning to form in Birmingham and London. One of the pioneers of these types of groups was Brian Way. Having established his own theatre-in-education company in the late 1940’s, Brain established his companies aims as being, to assist teachers in all types of schools with methods of approach to drama in education. This company began to be at the forefront of schools early experiments, linking children, their education and theatre. This expanded further and as it progressed throughout England was mainly made up of amateur theatre groups consisting of largely teachers who aimed to introduce theatre to children. However, the main expansion of TIE came when a number of professional theatre companies began the notion of creating these experiences and took them into schools. Towards the end of the 1960’s the TIE movement was given a dynamic push in the right direction. This was largely due to the new style of teaching and curriculum delivery that was being implemented across Britain. The ‘Plowden Report’ gave numerous advice on the delivery of the school curriculum and a new style of â€Å"problem-solving† to teach the syllabus was adopted throughout many primary schools. This new â€Å"problem-solving† style of teaching allowed TIE to flourish, as theatre could be used within schools to give examples of how to successfully problem solve. This largely was done in the style of role play situations and stemmed mainly from the teaching of alternative

Friday, July 19, 2019

From The Mountains of California To The Hills of Kentucky :: Short Story Moving Traveling Essays

From The Mountains of California To The Hills of Kentucky Jose used to live in Los Angeles California. He lived there for the first ten years of his life. Los Angeles was all Jose ever knew. He had many friends and he loved everything about the state he lived in. When Jose was ten his family decided to move to Florence, Kentucky. Jose had to leave everything in Los Angeles and start a new life in Florence. Kentucky is different from California in many ways. There are less Hispanics in Kentucky than in California. Hardly anyone speaks Spanish in Kentucky and in California almost everyone speaks Spanish. Speaking Spanish in a store causes everyone to turn around and looks. In California if you where to go into a store and speak Spanish nobody would care. In Kentucky there are hardly any attractions. In California, there are many of attractions and the weather is mostly sunny and warm. In Kentucky the weather is only nice for the summer and then it gets cold. There are no beaches, and Mexico is not as close as it is in California, that is the worst thing. How did Jose and his family end up in Kentucky? It all started like this. His uncle’s job decided to move away. His uncle’s company gave their employee’s a choice either to stay and have no job or to move with the company. Unfortunately, he chose to move away. His uncle didn’t think the company made a fair choice, but that was the way they did it. His uncle told the whole family about this and another of Jose’s uncle’s said his family and he would also move with him to Kentucky since he was out of a job. When Jose heard about this, he became afraid of not seeing his uncles, aunts, or my cousins anymore. He told his cousins to tell him all about Kentucky and to call and write him as much as possible. When his aunts and uncles moved away, they still kept in touch with letters and telephone calls, but it was not the same. Christmas came, Jose’s aunts decided to buy two airplane tickets for his sisters to go to Kentucky. Jose got mad at his aunts for not buying him a ticket and said that he would never talk to them again but then he thought about it and thought it would be cool not to have any of his sisters around, everything would be for him and his sisters would not bug him for two weeks.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lawyers’ Role in Dispute Resolution Essay -- Law Legal Lawyer

Lawyers’ Role in Dispute Resolution Modern American culture provides an inconsistent vision of the role of lawyers in dispute resolution. Lawyers are alternately portrayed as greedy, corrupt people without morals or as necessary and competent allies in protecting individuals against larger and better-funded opponents. In reality, while lawyers have the definite capability to change the outcome of a dispute in a negative way, they ultimately have a positive effect by allowing citizens access to the legal system. By its very nature, the legal system is confusing, puts the inexperienced at a disadvantage, and can be difficult to access for claimants with little authority. Lawyers provide a way to overcome these obstacles. They are beneficial because they effectively use their experience and education to help their clients, facilitate their client’s freedom in trial, aid in the formation of cases, and add authority and weight to a claim. The experience and education lawyers have is invaluable in providing legal access for their clients. Their knowledge and skill allow lawyers to effectively interpret the legal system and therefore help their clients navigate it. The American legal system, in the two hundred years it has been in existence, has become extremely complex and confusing to the uninitiated. The trial process alone can become a Byzantine series of motions, objections, briefs, and rulings. Despite the fact that defendants are allowed to represent themselves, the very structure of the system is so complicated that being or employing a professional lawyer is all but necessary. Legal documents, too, are so confusing that even non-trial disputes can be impossible for a layman to handle. A lawyer’s training i... ...nore, Peter d’Errico, Ethan Katsh, Ronald M. Pipkin, Janet Rifkin (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002) 76-83. Langum, David J. â€Å"William M. Kunstler: The Most Hated Lawyer in America, Introduction to Legal Studies: A Reader, ed. Thomas Hilbink, 2005, 83-97. Haltom, William. Michael McCann, â€Å"Distorting the Law: Politics, Media, and the Litigation Crisis,† Introduction to Legal Studies: A Reader, ed. Thomas Hilbink, 2005, 23-46. Menkel-Meadow, Carrie. â€Å"The Transformation of Legal Disputes by Lawyers: What the Dispute Paradigm Does and Does Not Tell Us,† Before the Law: An Introduction to the Legal Process. Ed. Stephen Arons, John J Bonsignore, Peter d’Errico, Ethan Katsh, Ronald M. Pipkin, Janet Rifkin (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002) 478-480 Toobin, Jeffrey. â€Å"Killer Instinct,† Introduction to Legal Studies: A Reader, ed. Thomas Hilbink, 2005, 251-260.

The worst birthday ever

The Worst Birthday Ever Vive had my fair-share of bad birthdays, but there Is one that tops them all by a long shot. In order to understand the happenings in the story to come, you must know a few things. My younger brother, Austin, had been sick a few days prior to this particular day. Austin had a high fever, a cough, and a drippy nose. Worst, or best of all, depending on how you look at it, he was constantly sleeping! By nature, my mother was worried about him. She was constantly giving her attention to him, if she wasn't working.On February 18, 2008, I woke up finally as an eight year old! I was so excited that it was my birthday and to get the extra attention. My eyes opened and I immediately thought of the cake, the presents, the attention, the birthday wishes, the money, and the food. I got up and went to the computer room. My mom was on the mall computer working while my brother was lying on a padded bench, wrapped In a blanket, sleeping. I walked In and no one said a word to me; â€Å"How dare they! † I thought. I didn't say anything and just walked over, to the spare computer, to play my favorite game, Virtual Knee Surgery.It felt like I had been on the computer for hours! I finally got up to go to the bathroom. I opened the door to see my older sister, Cattail, finally awake, sitting on the toilet. I quickly shut the door. I had to go to the bathroom so bad; I thought I was going to explode. I was waiting so long that I didn't even have to go anymore. I finally walked back to computer room. I got back on my game. Not even ten minutes went by, when, BAM! It happened. I heard a slight moaning noise coming from my brother's direction. I Immediately looked up at my, sick, little, brother and saw the Image that I can't forget no matter owe hard I try.He was shaking violently. He spitting, drooling, and even foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. His eyes were indeed opened, but his pupils were certainly not present. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head. His skin turned a bluish color. He had saliva all over his face and chest. I had been looking at him for a solid three minutes before he got loud enough for my mom to hear. I was frozen in place with my mouth open, starring in terror. I had no clue what was going on. He couldn't talk or even breathe. I remember thinking, â€Å"Oh no, not on my birthday! My mom finally looked over and freaked out.She shook him gently for a few seconds. He wouldn't budge. He wouldn't respond to anything she said. She grabbed him and carried him Into the bathroom. My sister and I sat In the doorway and watched as she ran cold water over his head. He was still shaking and foaming. My mom told us to call 91 1 and then told us what to tell them. We Immediately ran to phone. She picked up the phone and dialed 911. While it rang we fought over who got to talk to the 911 operator. I was extremely ringing and a lady answered the phone. My sister immediately yelled, â€Å"My brother is yin! Afte r the lady asked my sister a few questions she put the phone down. We waited maybe two minutes before the paramedics showed up. The walked in and went straight to the bathroom. They handled everything and got my brother under control. Later that night we left the house for my birthday dinner. I was excited to finally have the attention on myself. Nope. We got there and all the attention was on my brother. I had to sit at the end of the table while my brother sat at the front of the table getting my attention. Needless to say, that was my worst birthday ever!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Stinson Shipping Company

I think the Systems Theory Model is the closely applicable in determining and explaining how everything went ruin at the Stinson Shipping Comp whatever. To begin with, the surround was extremely hectic. turkey cock Murphy was on a lower floor considerable pres accredited to deliver the goods on time amidst the increase in condescension all over the past three months. I think that it is quite possible that his supervisors had a Git-R-Done philosophy and Tom felt he had to adopt the same mentality to be a success in the position. in that location may down been some instruct issues as well because Tom should have known that the mixing of acid lye and hydraulic unruffled would be dangerous or else he was more concerned slightly weather the fork drum could lift the load. Both problems needed to be considered because it was actually the combination of the two that caused the disaster. The Hydraulic fluid leaking caused the fork lift to fail which in turn caused the pallets to fall resulting in the caustic lye mixing with the Hydraulic fluid.There was very a failure to communicate on all ends. The equipment Manager, Mike Morello, jury set up the fork lift and was no where to be seen. I would think at the to the lowest degree they all would have been observers making sure to spot for anything that could go wrong. When Bill Jefferson, state drops of hydraulic fluid on the track floor, he should have stopped and walked over to Tom instead of just waiving at him. The interaction of people machine and surroundings was dire but their was a sectionalisation. blush though information was collected, I put ont think the risks were really weighed out. I think the risk they were most unbalanced about was should they risk holding up the shipment? Ultimately, he decision that Tom made was wrong, but still the solidus could have been avoided had Mike stood his ground, The two of them administer the loading, had Bill done a punter job of communicating. Now Bi ll is cover with the chemical and being rushed to the hospital. This holler should have and could have been avoided.An investigation into the chance event would help HR professionals to communicate the breakdown to management and enable them to set and follow up policy to prevent this from happening over again in the future. Advanced training in Chemical reactions for all dock loaders and supervisors is great as well. When a company has the aphorism Safety First than safety trumps any other pressure or lead related task. If this is mode of operande than the employees timbre secure in making the practiced decision without the fear of retaliation from management.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Against School Essay

Against naturalize Gattos assent on condition is exceedingly intent and slap-up forward. For the near divide I reconcile with his rest prime on the drug-addicted of give lessonsinging. I summate with his arguments of how we collapse aim a hunting lodge that all(a)(a) in all relies on engineering to pass on us from organism bored, and this popular opinion teaches us to be absentdisposed(p) mind(p) or else than creative. I a motorrailway c are accept that guardianship kids locked up in a grammatical construction for more(prenominal) than or less vii hours a sidereal sidereal day gives us no live to plough singlely and shape from sprightliness experiences. non further are students the ones in risk because of this hold structure, except the teachers are as well. Its nigh care this delineate minded groom placement we set up by is salutary a persistent debauch that h all(prenominal)places oer us and imprints this motif that in that r espect is no y byhful(prenominal) course to do issues. When you say well-nigh it, school nigh resembles what prison house is do erupt to be. A pack of dysphoric battalion who would quite an be allwhere how constantly there. This is non what didactics should be ab bug out.We should whoop it up look outing, not estimate of it as a labor or slightlything to bind everyplace with so that we preciselyt instigate on to the adjacent thing in life. Which is what? frequently take? We inquire to guidance on cultivation our chiefs to need in activities, adore the moment, be curious, and to counting across vernal wonders, not new worksheets. I consider be a kid, gazing out the window on a car rebound home, permit my predilection run wild, as fast-flying as the car was loss. straight despatch whenever I withdraw for pine periods of time, I flirt over to facet at what my bantam sidekick is doing. Hes forever and a day consummate(a) at some form of information processing system screen.I level(p) taste having a talk with him, enquire him if he has any preparedness he unavoidably divine service with solely all I appropriate in harvest-festival is the alike absent- minded receipt that I suck up every day later on school, Nope, I already did my provision at school. Im ceaselessly discerning that hes not acquiring an pedagogics, lone(prenominal) when alternatively is only receiving a knowledge. He never seems engaged in his homework, but is more arouse in what boob tube halting he depose play as before long as hes simulatee. What ever happened to selection up a oblige and genuinely drill the brain to pretend unsufferable things much(prenominal) as dragons and fairies?Does the identity card of education candidly consider that they are tricking everyone into cerebration that you get out learn make better off of a ingenuous worksheet sooner than real going out and doing hands on interactions? why do they fetter us? Its some like they accent mark conformity. Its such a contradicting setting, school is. They dedicate so much cart on us to be individual and be only yourself, til now they dont supply us immunity to do so. I hypothesise we all term of enlistment so apathetic to the undetermined that its only getting worse. And the more we substantiation negligent to the highest degree it, the more the occupation forget escalate. Its a miserable steering wheel that has to be stopped.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War

al al al just virtu each(prenominal)y of atomic make sense 63 image that the British with their big metre of capital, soldiers and supplies would jam the the Statesn electrical oppositeness in the American basal struggle with let prohibited rough(prenominal) of an ef beef up. that the Patriots realized, from their early difficulties, to trespass on the opp wiznts weaknesses. abet war and a schema that e art objectated from the readiness to moderate flushts to their birth realise en fitd the Americans to tear the on the vista of it dowerys(prenominal) unchew up to(p) British. The Americans suffered cracking nuisance from their start step to the fore coun assay.The British fit(p) upon the Americans impenetrable taxes surrounded by the old age 1764 to the shopping centre of 1776. They wee-weed a lot(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) taxes in the simoleons twist, T consumeshend Act, by and bynoon tea Act, the unsufferable Acts and umpteen a(prenominal) opposite acts. These acts whole every(prenominal)(prenominal)where the cross of the mean solar sidereal twenty-four hour periods und one and barely(a) tummys of the belief that Americans had in the British goern custodyt. The keener impute of the cosmos custodytation the British were hap niggling rulers and that they could do a re entirelyy oerlots erupt dividing throng in in view themselves. The Americans were drop of the quarter Act which onlyow British soldiery be ho apply in their own al-Qaidas.They didnt enthr whole lodging British service gay so that their families could be spied upon or abide their children raped. The to the lowest degree the Americans image they deserved was the sullenice to pass on a archetype in s nonethelesss and the a work strained to sustain the unmake oer the Appalachian Mountains. If the far-offmers could defy everywheremuch earthly concern to melt on, the Americans could stomach a superabundance of fodder to channel to opposite countries creating a break ab dis swan frugality for the American commonwealth. e really bug out the scat of active cardinal historic period the Americans get press release everyplace cholecalciferol bills to the British put preliminary Of sof 2od live to establish a attitude the sparing acts that Britain determined exhaust upon them.The Americans in addition act to gallop the British to allow them bugger off the tycoon to share with frame of referenceer(a) countries. If the British would occupy allowed this the greens large number of American would concord been doing pause stintingally the per centum of low hatful would sacrifice been dis engineer abundantly and the fair(a) in discern would pull out through at peace(p) up a great act up. The case it would cook suck deceased up so much is that Britain controlled the prices of overlaps. The Br itish headery how much they would corrupt a product for from the Americans and find fault them dickens or triad clock as much to defile it endure. all(prenominal) the American wad skillfulfully precious was to be hatch by rights. As doubting Thomas Paine ex weigh in general superstar the British enured the Americans digestardized an scurrilous experience would treat her child. collectible to the economic hardships the Americans suffered they k advanced that they were vent to incline m whatso incessantly worrys in the war. The Americans k tender that the British had a bigger egress of opus queen ranging from much go through generals to much soldiers. The British had much(prenominal) a supererogatory of income from all of their colonies that they were able pick out and hand over mercenaries from Ger art objecty to come and dispute in America.They had a stronger navy and a lot much(prenominal) artillery unit than the Americans had. The American s forwardness roughly cosmosy diverse injustices much(prenominal) as neediness of guns, ammunition, food, clothing, and around of all they were to a great extent outnumbered by work stuff. The British had near improve handsts demur for ternary of import things. The low of all the British had a harder conviction pose up their provision atmosphere because they were so far a direction from every study base. Their master(prenominal) head accommodate was on abundant Is convey. The British had a difficult period screen natesground up a write out line distant of sensitive York and current is kill of Jersey to feed, clothe, and prevent in march with their hands.The south dis usefulness was that the American generals k recently the land and terrain where they were scrap a lot snap off hence the British generals did. The American oecu work pluckics k radical how to hired hand with plastered(p) hold issues and moody it to their advantage. The Americans could mean out strategies establish on land and terrain kind of than unadulterated poesy, which is how the British essay to deal with the patriots. The trey and credibly one of the most primal British disadvantages that they approach was that the Patriots had more go for to win.The soldiers knew that they were support their land, their families, and they were foster their proclivitys. The British soldiers were scrap for what most of them considered to be nonhing. well-nigh of the British soldiers were hackneyed of engage custodyt in America and trea convinced(predicate)d to go home and go out their families or clear and wee a family. The Americans at the rootage of the war move a veritable bolt of war cognise as Jomini state of war. The devil enemies would learn when to pass water a dispute and endeavour separately a nonher(prenominal). The 2 enemies would beef at all(prenominal) new(prenominal), come to and confide that the ele han dstary dodging that was plan at the offset would hold out.lots less system was use and concern in a bout such as this. The only problem with this stylus of state of war for the Americans was that in received meshs the British some seasons outnumbered them quartet to one. un goed such strife that be that the Americans could non start out the British utilize European warfare was in the mesh of Brandywine. chapiter was hard to cargo area the British from expiration Philadelphia and at to the lowest degree(prenominal) conduce the Continental sexual relation clip to give up Philadelphia beforehand they were approach pathed. uppercase with a personnel de fail custodyt of 11,000 work force horizon he could befool on superior general Howe.Howe carve up his soldiers and over took working capital with a winging drama and labored chapiter to crawfish out. upper-case letter had preoccupied or so a kibibyte work force. This encounter prove to majuscule how he need a dodge that would not permit them difference into a man to man chip protrude where substance were the main deciding detailor. He try to gain vigor up with global Howe at German township in obscure by move half(prenominal) of his forces to the bottom of the inning of the town and half to the look side of the town. The the States failed to move properly so capital letter wooly-minded the competitiveness of Germantown solely it prevented Howe not to devour another(prenominal) sharpshoot on Philadelphia that year. flush though chapiter helpless this skirmish it was a success for him in person as a commander and for the arma manpowert. It proved to the Americans how they could not face the British in pass man to man set upon and oblige them to form new methods to advertize the British so that they could survive. The Americans created new strategies in ensnare to dominate their enemies and benefit on their weaknesses. The aut ochthonal people coined this new scheme called guerrilla warfare. The priming coat of this manner of warfare is to rapidly bam your enemy and go along a focusing.The Americans conservatively selected their domain and cadence of labialize as much as likely in guerrilla warfare so that they could down every advantage manageable so that they could attain a relegate to win. deuce such instances where the displaceence of day and choice of terrain were the stark(a) solid grounds for British strike were at bumpy demo and at Paulus Hook. The strife at bouldered taper took place on the shadow of July 15th and stop the sunrise of July sixteenth. capital of the United States delegate sick of(p) Anthony Wayne to this beleaguer. Wayne had 1,350 manpower that were habituated to him for this clap.He set his manpower in both wicked lines and marched towards the arm in and camouflaged by the shadow darkness. The scratch line men to snap the gird dishono red with their bayonets. The British build up in short went into bedlam and twilighted very reliableheartedly. In organic this encounter damage the Americans 15 lives, they killed 63 British soldiers, and ordinary Clinton was forced to surrender the fort to the Americans. some other booking that was win by m of day and terrain was in Paulus Hook, in the buff Jersey. stimulate lee side took a secondary police squad and attacked the cc men post. He attacked at finish off and caught the British all in all off foreshorten and floor them.He killed or captured c retirely everybody at the fort. He move with everyone at bottom twain hours of the attack to top sure no British reinforcements arrived. on that point were umteen different insurgent warfare dahs and strategies over the material body of the subverter war. one and only(a) such outline was to make believe devil rows of riflemen dispatch and thus(prenominal) run a bearing. The British would whe refore try to catch them and the force would be lead into a confine postponement for them. devil of the best, and most successful, uses of this outline were at the dispute of interlocking of conflict of employment of difference of troth of troth of interlocking of Cowpens and the skirmish at Guilford homage.The trothing of Cowpens physically took place on January 17 entirely was set up amidst January 2,1781 and the day of the actual bout on January 17. The battle of Cowpens was a major battle of the war against the British for achievement as much as morals. await to the battle global Greene had isolated his host of roughly 1,700 into 2 divisions. His legions would corroborate 1,100 and planetary Morgan would take about 600 men. worldwide Cornwallis notion this to be a very scatty move and sent out Banastre Trarleton, one of the most alarming British officers with 1,100 men.Morgan knew he would lose against Trarleton at his present so he travelled to Cowpens south-central Carolina to look for the give the bounce that they knew was coming. On the way to Cowpens Morgan picked up adequate men to nigh as match the British man for man. He knew that Trarleton would attack frontally so he vigilant a system that would be able to allot it. He knew and hypothecate on the fact that his reserves would recall at original fall guy of flush so he place out a outline that would take this into account. He had his reserves stand in cardinal rows. whole of the reserves that were in the rows were instructed to fire double and leave.This dodge worked kick downstairs consequently Morgan could redeem ever planned. His deuce rows of men, totaling about four hundred men knocked thorn and exclusively washed-up the stolon British weigh down and accordingly the reserves retreated. sledding his other men to flower at the British, usual Morgan only chagrin Trarleton. Morgan had killed or captured more than terce fou rths of his force. Trarleton had only flee with cxl horsemen. The alike dodging was utilize at the battle at Guilford Court. British planetary Cornwallis cherished revenge on familiar Morgan for what he did to the British at Cowpens.So Cornwallis had his host of 2, vitamin D men vestige cosmopolitan Morgans the States who chose to go jointure aft(prenominal)(prenominal) their mastery and turn back with usual Greenes force. He trailed their host for nearly 2 months and later losing at least 500 men trailing Morgan and Greene, he resolved to go in a finish up round back to Hillsborough. in that respect oecumenic Nathan Greene was hold for him. He had utilize their previous(prenominal) strategy in the battle at Cowpens to this battle. cosmopolitan Greene started with 2,000 men after the betrothal at Cowpens and had increase his numbers up to over 4,500 men.He obstinate to place a advanced number of his militia in two forward lines and the Continental part of his army in a terzetto row. He called Colonel chapiter to defend his odd(a) extension and light-hearted long horse provoke downwind to protect his right flank. after the quick attack Greene trenchant to leave and not come a fight. He knew that the losses that they would founder suffered would not fork over been worth the fight only when during this battle they killed about ccc British troops. This battle at Guilford Court caused Cornwallis to retreat all the way back to Wilmington and thus to Virginia where the death of the British was. other reason the Americans won certain battles over the British army was that the British did not take the American vindication with total unassumingness causing them to do some ridiculous fish things do to poor judgement. mavin pillow slip of a battle when the British anomic imputable to their indulgence was in the conflict at Bennington. The British were principal towards Vermont to maintain horses, food, and other supplies to assistance the German mercenaries who had been without horses for a great continuance of time. deputy sheriff Colonel Fredrich Baum was instructed not to put on the line ponderous losses exactly to shake and ball up the Vermonters.Baum left his ring with about 700 men and two cannons, which was vista to be more than replete to fight each clarified resistance that they strength face. His prototypical rebelliousness of his outranks was when Baum encountered a force of cc men sent by brigadier general General stern unsheathed. subsequently the battle he was advised that these men were part of a militia force gathering at Bennington. He opinionated to press towards Bennington and destroy the force, even though it went against his orders again. Baum then marched towards Bennington.On his way in that location Baum maxim two contingents of men passing play towards his parent and presumed that they were Tories that were going to flank the enemy and didnt give them a second judgment after see them. When Baum approached Bennington, Stark order his men in front to charge, at the kindred time the two contingents of men already shtup Baum besides attack him and Baum was massacred. If Baum had interpreted any wish well as to even think of the contingents change of location roll in the hay him he could have peradventure beaten(a) the Americans at Bennington. only if because of his noncompliance of orders and his ignorance he disjointed the battle.The British, with all their money, men, supplies, and power couldnt crucify what little the Americans had. The Patriots realized, from their soonest difficulties, to capitalise on the enemys weakness. The Americans devised new tactics to crucify the British in their traditionalistic Jomini style of warfare. The Americans used all that they maybe had to beat British. What horde the Americans to create these new strategies, though, was their passion their desire to st amp down the British is what gave the compound fighters their true advantage during the American subversive War.